Vet Advice Cat Flu – click here♥
Cat flu is extremely common in cats and is caused by a range of respiratory viruses and can be complicated by secondary bacterial infection. The symptoms associated with cat flu infection can vary from mild to life threatening. Two cat viruses have been associated with cat flu and can occur either alone or in combination, feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpes virus (FHV-1). In common with humans, feline herpes virus can become latent in the cat and reactivate at times of stress.
When fed to cats with FHV-1, L-lysine has been shown to be effective in supporting the lessening of the severity of symptoms and reducing viral shedding (or transmission).

Feline herpes virus, one of the most common causes of respiratory infections and eye problems in cats, can be transmitted from cat to cat through discharge from the nose, eyes or mouth and also through litter boxes, water dishes and food. The most common symptoms of FHV-1 in kittens are sneezing and nasal discharge, along with an eye infection and ocular discharge. In cats, the most common symptoms are chronic eye infections or recurrent corneal ulcers. FHV-1 affects cats only and cannot be passed on to humans or to other species of animals.
Lysine 100 is a highly palatable oral paste containing L-Lysine HCI and Echinacea to support the immunity of cats. Lysine 100 is fed tocatswithFelineHerpesVirus(
Echinacea: Renowned for its natural benefits and the subject of many scientific studies. Naturally supporting the immune system and supports resistance to infection. Echinacea was one of the basic antimicrobial herbs of eclectic medicine from the mid 19th century through the early 20th century, and its use was documented for snakebite, anthrax, and for relief of pain. In the 1930s Echinacea became popular in both Europe and America as a herbal medicine.
Each ml of Lysine 100 contains 250mg of Lysine HCI in a highly palatable base with Echinacea to support immunity. Lysine 100 is highly palatable and is easily accepted by most cats, safe, easy-to-administer and affordable.
Suitable for kittens and adult cats
For 4 Ways to treat cat flu click here ♥